Sofia Mastrokoukou
Assegnista di ricerca
Professore/Professoressa a contratto
- Dipartimento di Psicologia
- SSD: M-PSI/04 - psicologia dello sviluppo e psicologia dell'educazione

- Department of Psychology
- Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in
Scienze della Formazione Primaria
Curriculum vitae

Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
Articoli pubblicati in banche bati indicizzate (Scopus)
- Mastrokoukou, S., Lin, S., Longobardi, C., Berchiatti, M., & Bozzato, P. (2024). Resilience and psychological distress in the transition to university: the mediating role of emotion regulation. Current Psychology. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 0)
- Longobardi, C., Badenes-Ribera, L., Mastrokoukou, S., & Fabris, M. A. (2024). Attitude toward Sexual Consent and Sext Dissemination Perpetration: The Mediating Role of the Empathy. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 1–22. (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 0)
- Fabris, M. A., Longobardi, C., Settanni, M., & Mastrokoukou, S. (2024). Childhood trauma and factors influencing primary school teachers' reporting of child abuse: insights from Italy. Child Abuse & Neglect, 149, 106631. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 0)
- Lin S., Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi C., & Bozzato P. (2024). The influence of resilience and future orientation on academic achievement during the transition to high school: the mediating role of social support, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29(1), 2312863, (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 1)
- Kakouris, A., Tampouri, S., Kaliris, A., Mastrokoukou, S., & Georgopoulos, N. (2023). Entrepreneurship as a Career Option within Education: A Critical Review of Psychological Constructs. Education Sciences, 14(1), 46. (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 0)
- Gastaldi, F. G. M., Fabris, M. A., Longobardi, C., & Mastrokoukou, S. (2024). CHILDREN EXPOSED TO TELEVISION PROGRAMS: FEAR, ANXIETY AND PERCEPTION OF SOCIETAL AND PERSONAL RISK. Journal of Psychological & Educational Research, 32(1), 7-30. e-ISSN: 2821-4099. [Accepted]
- Lin S., Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi C., & Fabris, M. A. (2024). Bullying Victimization and child’s psychological adjustment in Chinese students: the mediating role of teacher-student relationships. Current Psychology. [Submitted]
- Gastaldi, F. G. M., Longobardi, C., Mastrokoukou, S & Settanni, M. (2024). Online versus Classroom teaching: How does online instruction affect the quality of teacher-student interactions. On line Learning. [Submitted]
- Fabris, M. A., Lin S., Mastrokoukou, S., & Longobardi, C. (2024). Parental Rejection and Risk of Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Adolescents: the mediating role of Disconnection and Rejection-related Early Maladaptive Schemas. Journal of Child & Family Studies. [Submitted]
- De Muru, A., Badenes-Ribera, L., Longobardi, C., & Mastrokoukou, S. (2024). Sexual orientation and gender identity in women with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Current Psychology. [Submitted]
- Mastrokoukou, S., Georgopoulos, N., Longobardi, C., Lin S., & Kaliris, A. (2024). Unravelling teacher effectiveness for students with special education needs in Higher Education: Do we make the grade?: A scoping review. International Journal of Inclusive Education. [Submitted]
- Marengo, D., Settanni, M., Mastrokoukou, S., & Longobardi, C. (2024). Social Media Use Is Associated With Suicidal Ideation in Early Adolescence: The Role of Visual Cybervictimization. International Journal of Bullying Behaviour. [Submitted]
- Graziano, F., Mastrokoukou, S., Monchietto, A., Marchisio, C., & Calandri, E. (2024). Teacher Empathy and Inclusive Education: the Moderating Role of Emotional Self-efficacy and Gender. Scientific Reports. [Submitted]
- Lin, S., Fabris, M. A., Longobardi, C. & Mastrokoukou, S. (2024). The association between aggressive behaviors and social media addiction: a longitudinal and gender-specific analysis. Journal of Adolescent. [Submitted]
- Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi, C., Fabris, M. A., & Lin., S. (2024). Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Life Satisfaction among High School Students: the Role of Teacher-Student Relationships. Journal of Happiness Studies. [Submitted]
- Fabris, M. A., Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi, C., & Lin., S. (2024). Problematic Internet Use and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescence: exploring themediating role of sleep quality and emotion dysregulation. Computer & Human Behavior. [Submitted]
- Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi, C., & Kaliris, A. (2024). Procrastination vs Academic Achievement: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Self- Efficacy and Anxiety in Students with and Without Specific Learning Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. [Submitted]
- Donche, V., Chauliac, M., Karagiannopoulou, E., Longobardi, C., Mastrokoukou, S., Milienos, F. S., Gijbels, D. (2024). Profiling Careless Responding in Online Student Learning Surveys and Relationship with Data Quality (2024). Frontline Learning Research. [Submitted]
- Lin, S., Mastrokoukou, S., & Longobardi, C. (2023). Social relationships and social media addiction among adolescents: Variable-centered and person-centered approaches. Computers in Human Behavior, 147. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 5)
- Lin, S., Mastrokoukou, S., Longobardi, C., Bozzato, P., Gastaldi, F. G. M., & Berchiatti, M. (2023). Students’ transition into higher education: The role of self-efficacy, regulation strategies, and academic achievements. Higher Education Quarterly, 77(1), 121–137. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 10)
- Longobardi, C., Mastrokoukou, S., & Fabris, M. A. (2023). Teacher sentiments about physical appearance and risk of bullying victimization: The mediating role of quality of student–teacher relationships and psychological adjustment. Frontiers in Education, 8. (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 2)
- Longobardi, C., Settanni, M., Berchiatti, M., Mastrokoukou, S., & Marengo, D. (2023). Teachers’ sentiment about physical appearance of primary school students: Associations with student–teacher relationship quality and student popularity among classroom peers. Social Psychology of Education, 26(2), 383–403. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 4)
- Karali, N., Mastrokoukou, S., & Livas, C. (2023, November). Mindful minds and entrepreneurial spirits in higher education: A scoping review. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1291845). (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 2)
- Mastrokoukou, S., & Crawford–Lee, M. (2023). Guest editorial: Profound digital Pedagogies: global perspectives. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13(4), 645-648. (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 3)
- Mastrokoukou, S., Kaliris, A., Donche, V., Chauliac, M., Karagiannopoulou, E., Christodoulides, P., & Longobardi, C. (2022). Rediscovering Teaching in University: A Scoping Review of Teacher Effectiveness in Higher Education. Frontiers in Education, 7. (Journal Ranking Q2, citazioni 11)
- Milienos, F. S., Rentzios, C., Catrysse, L., Gijbels, D., Mastrokoukou, , Longobardi, C., & Karagiannopoulou, E. (2021). The Contribution of Learning and Mental Health Variables in First-Year Students’ Profiles. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. (Journal Ranking Q1, citazioni 12)
Articoli nazionali e internazionali con referee, non indicizzati
- Georgopoulos, N., Kopanaki, E., Mastrokoukou, S., Oikonomou, M., & Stroumpoulis, A. (2023). Enhancing Student Social Care: Evaluating the Impact of the project “Support of Social Care Interventions for Students of the University of Piraeus”. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 73(3-4), 105-115.
Capitoli in libri internazionali
- Chetan Singai, Ch., Gioli G. Riemer, E., Dev Regmi K., Mastrokoukou, & Singh Sh. (2016). Knowledge economy and demographic change: Comparative case study of Europe and South Asia. In: Egetenmeyer (ed.): Adult and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond. Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Würzburg Winter School. Frankfurt, pp. 67-84.
- Tecniche di osservazione del comportamento infantile (Savigliano) (-)
Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in
Scienze della Formazione Primaria - Tecniche di osservazione del comportamento infantile (Savigliano) - Laboratorio A (MASTROKOUKOU) (-)
Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in
Scienze della Formazione Primaria
Ricevimento studenti
La Docente riceve su appuntamento, da concordare via mail all'indirizzo: sofia.mastrokoukou@unito.itGli appuntamenti saranno fissati online o in presenza in base alle necessità della docente e della persona interessata.
Per appuntamenti online: collegarsi all'orario e data stabilite nella stanza personale del docente su Webex.
Per appuntamenti in presenza: 2° piano, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università degli Studi di Torino, via Verdi 10, Torino.